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REASONS OF SMOKING 1) Youngsters try to look “cool” 2) Smoking acts as a stress reliever. 3) To control their weight. 4) Addiction 5) Peer pressure 6) Experimentation/ Adventure 7) Marketing of tobacco companies 8) Social Integration 9) To think Properly 10) Addiction SMOKING KILLS · OUTLINE Specific Purpose: to persuade audience members that are smokers to quit smoking and inform those that aren’t smokers why they shouldn’t start. Introduction I. So last year I went to my friends Fourth of July party in Brooklyn. It was alright the music was hot tons of people danced and there were plenty of drinks. A Smoking is directly responsible for about 90 percent of show more content Supporting point A. Support – Shortens your life On average, adults who smoke cigarettes die years earlier than non-smokers. (4) 1. Every 1 cigarette is seven minutes from your life 2. Nicotine

The Environmental Effects Of Tobacco And Tobacco Smoke
By smoking, you are instantaneously putting yourself at risk of factors that will impact your daily life. The nicotine in the cigarettes turn smokers teeth an unappealing yellow tint, regular smokers may even find themselves with yellow fingernails. Get quality help now Writer Lyla Verified writer Proficient in: Health 5 () · OUTLINE Specific Purpose: to persuade audience members that are smokers to quit smoking and inform those that aren’t smokers why they shouldn’t start. Introduction I. So last year I went to my friends Fourth of July party in Brooklyn. It was alright the music was hot tons of people danced and there were plenty of drinks. A · Smoking persuasive speech outline. Hello my name is ———and here to persuade you to stop smoking. Smoking is not only bad for health it is also as bad for the people around you. Breathing other people s smoke is called passive, involuntary or secondhand smoking

· Persuasive Essay About Smoking,,, Smoking: The Inhaled Killer Smoking is a very harmful habit that should be banned. This nasty habit has many grotesque side-effects. It causes yellow teeth, bad breath, smokers always smell like smoke, death, heart disease, cancer, asthma, emphysema, and many other health related problems REASONS OF SMOKING 1) Youngsters try to look “cool” 2) Smoking acts as a stress reliever. 3) To control their weight. 4) Addiction 5) Peer pressure 6) Experimentation/ Adventure 7) Marketing of tobacco companies 8) Social Integration 9) To think Properly 10) Addiction SMOKING KILLS Persuasive Speech On Smoking Satisfactory Essays Words 6 Pages Open Document Essay Sample Check Writing Quality Ladies and gentleman. Today I speak to you about a pressing issue smoking, now you might wonder why I am speaking to you today about this. After all, I am a year-old high school student who doesn 't smoke and doesn 't intend to

· Persuasive Essay About Smoking,,, Smoking: The Inhaled Killer Smoking is a very harmful habit that should be banned. This nasty habit has many grotesque side-effects. It causes yellow teeth, bad breath, smokers always smell like smoke, death, heart disease, cancer, asthma, emphysema, and many other health related problems By smoking, you are instantaneously putting yourself at risk of factors that will impact your daily life. The nicotine in the cigarettes turn smokers teeth an unappealing yellow tint, regular smokers may even find themselves with yellow fingernails. Get quality help now Writer Lyla Verified writer Proficient in: Health 5 () Smoking Persuasive Speech Words | 4 Pages. smoke? Well I have. In the world there are fifteen billion cigarettes sold a day. That is ten million sold every minute! In this, I will be telling you about how smoking is bad for you, bad for the environment, and ways smoking in public can be stopped. Smoking should be banned!
By smoking, you are instantaneously putting yourself at risk of factors that will impact your daily life. The nicotine in the cigarettes turn smokers teeth an unappealing yellow tint, regular smokers may even find themselves with yellow fingernails. Get quality help now Writer Lyla Verified writer Proficient in: Health 5 () Persuasive Speech Dangers of Smoking Specific Purpose: To inform the audience of the dangers of smoking and persuade them not to. Introduction: 1. Did you know that smoking is the number one preventable cause of death in the United States? 2. According to blogger.com there is , deaths a year caused by tobacco. 3 Smoking is directly responsible for about 90 percent of show more content Supporting point A. Support – Shortens your life On average, adults who smoke cigarettes die years earlier than non-smokers. (4) 1. Every 1 cigarette is seven minutes from your life 2. Nicotine
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